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Fee Policy

Most programs will have two prices listed under Fees.  The lower fee is for Affiliated municipalities and the higher fee is for Non-Affiliated.


Please see below to verify which surrounding municipalities are affiliated or non-affiliated with the Sauk Prairie Area Recreation Commission.

A = Affiliated

Village of Prairie du Sac

Village of Sauk City

Town of Prairie du Sac

Town of Roxbury

Town of Sumpter

Town of Mazomanie​


NA = Non-affiliated

Village of Merrimac

Town of Merrimac

Town of West Point

Town of Troy

Town of Honey Creek

Scholarship Policy

The Sauk Prairie Recreation Department is proud to offer a scholarship program administered by the Recreation Department. The program is designed for children who, without financial assistance, would not have the opportunity to participate in the Department’s youth activities and youth sports organizations in Sauk Prairie. This will help make programs more accessible by partially covering the cost of current registration fees for youth who qualify.


Use the link below for more information on how to apply for a scholarship Scholarship Program Policy

Refund Policy

Sauk Prairie Recreation Department – Refund Policy

In the event, an adult or youth individual, or a team requests to “drop out” from a program or league at any time prior to, during, or after a program “season”, the following refund procedure will occur:

Administrative programming costs will require a portion of the program or league fee to remain within the SPCRD.


A) Before program/league start 

  • Any participant requesting to “drop out” from a SPCRD sponsored program before the start of the program (practice or games) will forfeit $10 from their registration fee which may include supplies that have already been ordered for the program. The individual will be charged a unit price for the item (Ex. T-shirt). If this exceeds $10, the participant will be charged accordingly. 

  • Any team requesting to “drop out” from a SPCRD sponsored adult league before the start of league play will forfeit 25% of the team registration fee. 

  • Any participant requesting to “drop out” from a SPCRD member sponsored program will forfeit $15 from their registration fee. The remaining amount from the individual program’s fee to be reimbursed is at the discretion of the member program. 


B) During or after program/league 

  • Any participant requesting to be refunded after a SPCRD sponsored program has been completed will forfeit 100% of their registration fee. 

  • Any team requesting to be refunded in a SPCRD sponsored adult league after the season has been completed will forfeit 100% of the team registration fee.

  • Any participant requesting to “drop out” from a SPCRD member sponsored program will forfeit the $15/$35 fee to the SPCRD. The remaining amount from the individual program’s fee to be reimbursed is at the discretion of the member program.

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